

Children-juvenile club of physical preparation (Monchegorsk, Murmansk region) was opened on first of October 1990. In its activity CJCPP follows "Convince about rights of the child ", Constitution RF, the Standard position about children-juvenile club of physical preparation, the Standard position about educational institution of the additional formation for children.

The Primary tasks of CJCPP:

-  To realize sanitary and athletic education amongst children and teenagers from 6 to 8 years;

-  To help to gain the knowledge in the field of hygiene, the first medical help and estimations of the physical condition;

-  To help be adapted to life in society;

-  To bring up the will to victory, emotional stability, skill it is correct to perceive the failure;

-  To form the general culture;

-  To provide the leisure;

 There are 690 pupils are drilled in club. In radius of the CJCPP services - all town schools, average special institutions and kindergartens. Activity of the club was made for reception of the favorable ambience for the whole participant of the educational process: student, teacher, and parents.

Today educational programs marketed in club in the following athletic directions: power athletics, fitness-aerobics, table tennis, wushu-taolu, ball dance, karate-do, volleyball, basketball.

The main purpose of the club’s activity is fortification children’s health. All the educational programs, first of all, directed on this. The direction these programs - is a healthy lifestyle of children and teenagers, skill to withstand the influence of the negative ambiences of surrounding.

Already on traditions, in scholastic occupation of each group, teachers use the complexes of the physical exercises, oriented in correction and preventive maintenance of the diseases of the eye using oftalmosimulators, which are installed in all gyms of the club. For three years we take part in realization of the project "Physical culture - a base of health", which is designed within the framework of municipal program "Young generation", subroutines "Healthy generation". On base of the club, the school №1, school №7, V.G.Sizov lycee exists to the group with directivities to correcting athletics.

In our club are trained children and teenager, not made person talent and ability for achievement high athletic result, but beside them always there is possibility to use the got knowledge and skills on competition. There they realize its potential, hereunder raise their status in eye peer, teacher, and parents. This exceedingly it is important for children, which uncertain of itself suffer that or other complex.

Annually students take part more then in 40 athletic and the other action of the club, as well as city, region and Russia. The most gifted of them execute, juvenile and athletic bits, occupy the prize places. Pride of the club is Yuri Lapshin, alumnus of the coach Igor Venediktov. Yuri became The Champion of Russia on September 2004 in Ivanovo. Hereon Championship Yuri was enclosed in composition of the assembly command to Russia on traditional type wushu in and took part in the First World Festival and Championship on traditional type wushu in Chzhenchzhou (province Henan, China). There he came out winner in discipline” traditional weapon”, and the second in discipline “traditional fist”, he won gold and silver medal. Yuri became The Champion of 5th wushu Championship of the Republic Kareliya on January 2005. At February 2005 in Saint Petersburg, he came out winner wushu Championship of Northwest federal region. At May 2005 on Championship of the Russia on wushu-taolu in Moscow, Yuri was a bronze prizewinner in discipline “long blade”. At December 2005, he came out winner in one of the discipline of the Championship to Russia on traditional type wushu.

Yuri is a student of the branch of the Lesgaft University Physical Culture and Sport. After publication in regional press about his achievements, wushu has called attention by regional public body an invalid on rumor "Prospect", which has invited our boys and girls to take part in the Ice show "Commonwealth" in Murmansk for children-invalids. Now our command is a constant participant annual holiday, which conducts "Prospect". The Command of the club on wushu in has occupied this year already 76 prize places on competition different level. Grows talented and effective change.

training with directivity of the table tennis, power lifting, athletic ball dance demonstrate the high results on competition regional level.

The Participation in competition promotes fastening to need to regular occupation by physical culture and elected sports. This already is a preventive maintenance of the offenses and bad habit.

Annually, the teachers of the club reveal amongst pupil the “risk group. Each coach conducts with such training, the individual preventive functioning, much tactfully and invisibly, according to planning, interacting with parent and class leaders.

Program is designed In our club on sanitary and preventive functioning. Within the framework of realization of the program pedagogical group constantly updates information of the stand "Say «no»", about negative influence of bad habits on growing organism, recommendations how to fight with them, as well as what save and consolidate health by means of physical culture. For training senior classes and average special institutions is regularly provided interaction with the centre of the planning to families, skilled specialists, leave in club, for granting professional consultation and prepare to living in adult life. Between scholastic group, in which concern with training 15-18 years, is traditionally conducted thematic game "I", which questions concern the problems of drug addictions, alcoholism, smoking and interpersonal relations. The contests "Miss CJCPP", "Miss baby", "Mister CJCPP", "Come on, guys” are very interesting. These contests allow demonstrating the participant of their own skill, talents and possibility. Usually, all collective deals become mass. This pertains to all forms of the functioning - a contest, show, competitions. Quite often in dug the actor and leading emerge the teachers, who can and sing and dance and to write poetry. This helps the young athletes to see in them creative, many-sided people.

Two last years combined team command of the club took part in town contest amongst clubs, which conducts the division on deals youth. In the last the school year, it was the “Dance marathon". In composition of the command-entered students, which concern with directivity fitness-aerobics, wushu-taolu, power lifting, ball dance. Young sportsmen by itself developed have the scenario of the appearance, and during contest, him was not equal.

For recovery and organizations of the leisure training club, at days winter каникул are opened athletic-sanitary camp on the base of the club, but at year term exit athletic-sanitary camp, on Azovskoe Sea usually.

At the end of each school year, on total evening, are delivered certificates about completion curriculum in CJCPP graduate of the club. The Graduates – is a young athlete, who finished 11 classes of the average educational school and passed curriculum in CJCPP in-group of the general physical preparation not less three years.

Each school year begins with the general parental meeting, on which are demonstrated athletic directions to activity of the club are conducted significant appearances training, are invited specialists - physicians, psychologists. The possibility of the joint educational process of children and parents exists in club. The Parents take part as spectators on athletic and other action. The Pedagogical group hopes that involvement of the parents in educational process will allow changing the presentations of the many modern parents about their dug in lives child. Collaboration with child, discussion success will allow the parent to see his/her boy or girl newly, feel itself significant person for it. With division on deals youth, traditionally, are conducted competitions "Ma, dad, I - an athletic family".

We also have the talisman of the club "Rabbit Duke", which always supports the boys and girls, brings the success and good luck.



Our address:       184511 Monchegorsk ,Leningradskaya naberezhnaya,34-3

Direktor:             Pushkova Lyubov

E-mail: monchwushu@yandex.ru

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